
Our Intention for This Equity Redemption Course

This course is intended for people who are truly committed to their personal freedom and are willing to be self-responsible, self-accountable and take the actions necessary to settle their commercial contracts. To be successful, the student must be willing to study, review materials and re-review them until they have reached full competency.

Coming into peace and opting out of the realm created by the “art of men” goes beyond…

simply learning a few lawful and legal words, a bit of basic history and mailing out paperwork. As we peer more deeply into the system that our ancestors consented to create and which many unconsciously, perpetually support, we discover that true freedom is equal to the response that we have to life.

How we choose to respond to the game in each moment…

is a representation of our relation-ship to a dead and perverse world that destroys life. The de-facto government along with the courts are breaking the laws, while “we the people” create enemy constructs that help them to break those laws, because we ignorantly and/or nesciently agree to play their games without knowing the rules. 

Release the belief…

that these fictions are separate from you and that you are a victim to the systems circumstances. Equity cannot support a victimhood mindset.

If everything that we, as conscious creators feel, and experience in the body of the physical dimension is our essential nature and we continue to generate, reserve, maintain, relate, and extend our essence into the fictional “game of death”, then we have given away our Independent sovereignty; if the game still continues to exist for us, it is only because of our failure to real-eyes our inherent value as living, breathing beings.

To be free is to move through…

the coercion and conditioning that lead us to believe we are not valuable and must be recognized and rejected. By removing ourselves from the agreements that diminish our worth and standing in honor of all living beings, we truly claim our right to life.

Our misdirected energy…

is what pulls us along the simulacrum (a copy of a false reality absent of the true reality) and our written signature and adopted custom is what binds us to its matrices.

Who, then, have you allowed to take from you, and for what reason? Why do you choose to invest your precious essence and energy into something that is inherently destructive? As you start questioning yourself in this way—going beyond the surface reasons—that’s when the path to true independence and sovereignty begins to reveal itself.

The question becomes…

Can we, who have been conditioned by a system of false beliefs, grow to become truly competent? Can we learn to manage our energy with integrity, as rightful heirs to our lineal estate, part of the divine gift? If so, what kind of determination is needed to break free from the corporate bonds we have agreed to?

By clearing stored emotional, mental and physical energy…

that we placed into the system, we can repent for our mistakes and return to peace.

During this process we recommend…

that you take the time to integrate the information provided by feeling the deeper, subtle frequencies that emerge in the body while you recondition the mind. As you are faced with fear, stemming from trauma, you can transmute it to create the outcome you want to experience. Use your time with the divine in a sacred space of prayer and set your intentions. Remember feeling grateful is always going to bring the best experience.

The physical representation of all the discord in our commercial system…

reflects what we have chosen unconsciously for ourselves through our thoughts, feelings, words, actions and deeds.

Through the process of unraveling the story…

of abandonment we can receive the gift it has for us. We begin to see why we are stripped of what we cherish most and how we are receiving an initiation into something new that is based on substance and truth.

The belief that we carry about being alone is truly abandoning ourselves and our creator. To believe that you separated from everything around you sustain the illusion at play and denies love and wisdom to emerge through you. The decaying nature of our commercial system is happening only because we have forgotten who we are.

When we forget…

we are left with the bifurcated mind. The bifurcated mind is a result of an inability and continued disengagement of feeling the deeper, subtle energies of the body. The bifurcated mind exists because one chooses not to bring the dark into the light, and to continue to harbor energy that lowers the function of the entire living organism. This is also known as cognitive dissonance. 

We attach to the story…

of what wholly comes into separate existence and forget our divine union to all that allows us to live with purpose in service to all, giving us the direction to receive our rightful inheritance. The inheritance can only be attained when we learn to manage our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions correctly.

At this time, you are being asked…

to release old beliefs and distorted thought patterns that protect illusions, and instead, embrace the truth.

When truth prevails, we thrive…

because, just like in nature, truth always reveals the remedy. By embracing the laws of nature, we enhance our ability to receive wisdom and take right action, empowering us to redefine outdated patterns of misconduct and the cycle of corruption.

To release…

we begin with self-awareness and deep compassion for all the emotional trauma stored in the body, understanding that it is tied to recurring patterns of misaligned, untruthful thoughts and beliefs about ourselves and our sense of belonging in life.

The written law informs us…

that if the principles guiding our creative life force lead to destruction and disorder, it erodes our connection to nature and diminishes our innocence. In this reciprocal process, our own spirit bears the cost. Thus, each time we face a challenge, we must consciously choose to resolve the underlying tension. This is the essence of Equity.

To comprehend sovereignty…

is dependent upon everything that one does. What one does is dependent upon on what one feels, thinks and believes. True sovereignty is about action, and every action depends on the energy and source of inspiration that guides it. The feelings that sustain the illusions of dissatisfaction and discord in this realm must be brought to the surface so they can also be acknowledged and embraced with love

The corruption that takes place within the bounds of the public offices…

which are established by the people to manage “the trust”, can only occur due to a low moral consciousness which is present among the very people who granted that power. When corruption persists, it is not because the laws are ineffective, but because “the people” are unaware of those laws and how to uphold them for their own protection.

Equity is an opportunity…

for people to acknowledge their mistakes and take responsibility for them. The law requires us to take right action to achieve true freedom—freedom from being bound to serve bankrupt corporations—so that we, as living beings, have the standing and capacity to hold these fictitious entities accountable for the harm they inflict on our living spirit.

The calling is for us…

to bring into focus the ancient natural realm, our true source of value and subsistence where energy is alive and infinite.

Fully recognize the mistake of contracting…

our life force away to a fictitious reality which manifests into a multiplicity of limitations. After being conditioned and exposed to pervasive displays of perversion, deceit, and corruption, it is understandable to have doubts about the remedies offered here, as they may seem too simple—yet true honor does create real peace. This is why with discernment we study what has been written and what has set precedent. When you stand firm within the written truth for the greater good, you no longer need to fight against the lifeless, mechanistic systems for your rights. Therefore, let go of the struggle and stop arguing.

After we encompass this wisdom…

of the immense value of spirit, which manifests as credit within the matrix, we can live according to what we inherently know to be true and fulfill our personal responsibilities within the Commercial realm.

We are all here…

to address the questions of equity, so that together we can move forward to reclaim the land and manifest wise, regenerative outcomes for the greater good. This can only happen through each moral being’s commitment to change and their willingness to study the process.

(Ryan: place a required acknowledgement checkbox)
Having read and reflected upon the above, I fully acknowledge and embrace the intent of the Equity Redemption Course and I am ready to enter into a private covenant and deed with the White Rabbit Ministerium.